Juvenile Crimes Attorney in Los Angeles County
No one wants to see a juvenile throw their lives away, and unfortunately, that happens often since parents aren’t aware that these charges could follow their children into adulthood. That is why it is essential to find a top juvenile crimes attorney in Los Angeles County.
Juvenile Crimes in CaliforniaThe best juvenile crimes attorney in Los Angeles County will work towards finding diversionary punishments for juvenile offenses. There were 25,710 juvenile arrests made in California in 2020. Only 15% of those were sent to diversionary programs like counseling and released. Unfortunately, 82% of those cases were referred to probation. That means that of the 25,710 arrests made, 82% of them ended with punishments and permanent records. Those records follow children for the rest of their lives and well into adulthood. There are a few reasons for this sad statistic, but the most common one is representation. Juveniles are similar to adults in that they have a few options for representation. They can either be represented by a public defender or hire an attorney. The other option is self-representation, but that is very rare, even for adults.

Courts would always prefer that children find the help they need to get off the paths they may be on that led to the charges. That means diversionary punishments like community services, counseling, therapy, meetings, classes, and finally, probation. However, we hear a lot about the “system” that children may find themselves in, leading to advancing a criminal lifestyle. Studies have shown that 44.4% of juveniles in the US who are charged with a crime end up being repeat offenders. That means the goal of the best juvenile crimes attorney in Los Angeles County should always be to get a dismissal of the charges or to receive diversionary program options. There is something that makes matters worse, criminal records.

Juvenile criminal records are slightly different than adult criminal records. Juveniles will have their records sealed automatically after they complete whatever the court has assigned to them. However, it will depend on the crime and the severity of the charges. Some charges may not allow records to be sealed and could even count as a strike in adulthood. California has a Three Strikes Law. The Three Strikes law means anyone found guilty of three crimes that receive a strike is eligible for a life sentence. It would be a shame if a child must go through the rest of their childhood with such an adult responsibility resting on their shoulders. The best juvenile crimes attorney in Los Angeles County can help ensure every aspect of the court goes as well as possible, including as it pertains to the criminal records.

No parent wants to see their child get charged with any sort of crime. Unfortunately, it happens, receives but parents can still have some control over the situation. The best way to add any semblance of management is to hire a professional who can help. Like the ones at Johnson Criminal Law Group, a juvenile crimes attorney in Los Angeles County is a perfect example. The ultimate goal will always be to get any charges dismissed. However, that may not always be possible. That is why it is crucial to have proper representation so that the best outcome is within reach.