Criminal Record Expungement Attorney in Los Angeles County
Criminal records are not easy to deal with, even in everyday life. Simply having a criminal record, even for a small crime can cause stress, negative social stigmas, and even loss of employment. That is why it is important to find the best criminal record expungement attorney in Los Angeles County.
What Is Criminal Record Expungement?It is important for people with a criminal record to get aid from a criminal record expungement attorney in Los Angeles County to get back to normal life. To expunge is to blot out or erase. However, criminal records in California are not so easily blotted out or erased. Instead, the effects are similar to how convictions on a criminal record are modified. It is important to understand that the definition of expungement in California differs, sometimes even from county to county. For example, The County of Riverside has a process in which a criminal case is reopened, the conviction is set aside, and then the conviction is dismissed. The County of Riverside claims that this process will erase the conviction from the criminal record. However, it is simply changed to show that expungement was granted. This is why it is important to find a criminal record expungement attorney in Los Angeles County.

Criminal records in California are plainly, and simply, not erased. You may succeed in being granted criminal record expungement in California, however, that doesn’t mean complete erasure. California Penal Code 1203.4 permits people convicted of felonies and the vast majority of misdemeanors to have their convictions dismissed upon the completion of probation or other sentencing factors. This is not an automatic process either, it must be asked for properly. The conviction is still on your record and will always be there. But the courts, if successful, will add to that record that the conviction has been dismissed. The conviction won’t be completely erased, but this process is still worth the effort for anyone with a criminal record.

Multiple things must be done before a criminal record can be expunged in California. You will need to contact a criminal record expungement attorney in Los Angeles County first. The attorney can help you go over this list and ensure you are ready to move forward through this process. The requirements include:
- Complete your sentencing
- Complete probationary period and fulfill all probationary requirements as required by the court
- You cannot be convicted of another felony or misdemeanor during your probation
- Some states consider the number of convictions or incidents on your record and have set statutory limits on combinations of felonies and/or misdemeanors
- The severity of the conviction is considered
- You must not have any proceedings pending against you
- Crimes consisting of a sexual nature such as rape, sexual battery or sexual imposition, or any sexual offenses against a minor as well as murder cannot be expunged in California.

This process is an important one. People are given their punishments and then forced to remain punished for the remainder of their lives. This punishment lasts for decades and affects daily life in massive ways. People avoid going out, avoid meeting new people, and live their lives under constant fear that they may be targeted in the future. But expungement, while not erasing a conviction, still makes a difference. It is what should be done for any convict that has completed their sentencing mandates. However, it is not, thus, a criminal record expungement attorney in Los Angeles County is that much more important.